

The Pure-Dephasing Model describes a two-level system interacting linearly with an environment characterised by a spectral density (SD) $J(\omega)$. The coupling only acts on diagonal terms through the $\sigma_z$ operator. The Hamiltonian reads ($\hbar = 1$)

\[ \hat{H} = \frac{\omega_0}{2}\hat{\sigma}_z + \int_0^{+\infty}\omega \hat{a}^\dagger_\omega\hat{a}_\omega \mathrm{d}\omega + \frac{\hat{\sigma}_z}{2}\int_0^{+\infty}\sqrt{J(\omega)}(\hat{a}_\omega + \hat{a}^\dagger_\omega)\mathrm{d}\omega\]

Although this interaction will not change the population of the two-level system, the coherences between the two states will vary due to the environment. Introducing the two-level system reduced density matrix $\rho_{ij}(t)$ with $i,j \in (0,1)$, the diagonal terms $\rho_{ii}(t)$ are the populations of the states and the anti-diagonal terms $\rho_{ij}(t)$ with $i \neq j$ are the coherences between the two states. The effect of the $\sigma_z$ bath interaction is to decouple the two states $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$.

The density matrix can be calculated within the MPS formalism with the MPO $|\psi\rangle \langle \psi|$. Tracing out the environment leads to the reduced density matrix. This can be done with the function MPSDynamics.rhoreduced_1site.

An analytical formula can be found for the decoherence function $\Gamma(t)$, taking into account the SD as well as the temperature of the environment [breuer]

\[ \Gamma(t) = - \int_0^{\omega_c} \mathrm{d} \omega J(\omega)\frac{(1 - \cos(\omega t))}{\omega^2} \coth(β\omega/2) ,\]

with $\beta = (k_B T)^{-1}$. For the case where $\beta \longrightarrow \infty$, the integral reads

\[ \Gamma(t) = - \int_0^{\omega_c} \mathrm{d} \omega J(\omega)\frac{(1 - \cos(\omega t))}{\omega^2} ,\]

The time-dependent anti-diagonal terms of the reduced density matrix are then expressed as

\[ \rho_{12}(t) = \rho_{21}(t)^* =\rho_{12}(0) \exp(\Gamma(t)) \]

Setting up the initial two-level system as a cat state $|\psi\rangle_S(0) = \frac{|0\rangle \pm |1\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}$, this leads to $\rho_{12}(0)=\frac{1}{2}$.

Here we break out and comment the script in MPSDynamics/examples/puredephasing.jl and MPSDynamics/examples/puredephasing_temperature.jl to show how to simulate this model with an Ohmic SD (hard cut-off) using the T-TEDOPA method as implemented in MPSDynamics.jl.

The T-TEDOPA method relies on a truncated chain mapping that transform the initial Hamiltonian into

\[ \hat{H} = \frac{\omega_0}{2} \hat{\sigma}_z + c_0 \frac{\hat{\sigma}_z}{2}(\hat{b}_0^\dagger + \hat{b}_0) + \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} t_i (\hat{b}_{i+1}^\dagger \hat{b}_i + \mathrm{h.c.}) + \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \epsilon_i \hat{b}_i^\dagger \hat{b}_i\]

The code

First, we load the MPSdynamics.jl package to be able to perform the simulation, the Plots.jl one to plot the results, the LaTeXStrings.jl one to be able to use $\LaTeX$ in the plots and eventually QuadGK.jl to perform the analytical integral calculations. A notation is introduced for +∞.

using MPSDynamics, Plots, LaTeXStrings, QuadGK

const ∞  = Inf

We then define variables for the physical parameters of the simulation. Among these, two are convergence parameters:

  • d is the number of states we retain for the truncated harmonic oscillators representation of environmental modes
  • N is the number of chain (environmental) modes we keep. This parameters determines the maximum simulation time of the simulation: indeed excitations that arrive at the end of the chain are reflected towards the system and can lead to unphysical results

The value of β determines whether the environment is thermalized or not. The example as it is is the zero-temperature case. For the finite-temperature case, 'β = ∞' has be commented instead of the line above that precises a β value.

# Physical parameters

d = 10 # number of Fock states of the chain modes

N = 30 # length of the chain

α = 0.01 # coupling strength

ω0 = 0.008 # TLS gap

s = 1 # ohmicity

ωc = 0.035 # Cut-off of the spectral density J(ω)

#β = 100 # Thermalized environment

β = ∞ # Case zero temperature T=0, β → ∞

The chain coefficient have then to be calculated. This part differs for the zero-temperature case and the thermalized bath. For $β = ∞$, the chain coeffficients can be calculated with the function MPSDynamics.chaincoeffs_ohmic whereas the function MPSDynamics.chaincoeffs_finiteT is used when $T \neq 0 ~ \text{K}$:

if β == ∞
    cpars = chaincoeffs_ohmic(N, α, s; ωc=ωc)  # chain parameters, i.e. on-site energies ϵ_i, hopping energies t_i, and system-chain coupling c_0
    cpars = chaincoeffs_finiteT(N, β; α=α, s=s, J=nothing, ωc=ωc, mc=4, mp=0, AB=nothing, iq=1, idelta=2, procedure=:Lanczos, Mmax=5000, save=false)  # chain parameters, i.e. on-site energies ϵ_i, hopping energies t_i, and system-chain coupling c_0
    #= #If cpars is stored in "../ChainOhmT/ohmicT" 
    curdir = @__DIR__
    dir_chaincoeff = abspath(joinpath(curdir, "../ChainOhmT/ohmicT"))
    cpars  = readchaincoeffs("$dir_chaincoeff/chaincoeffs.h5",N,α,s,β) # chain parameters, i.e. on-site energies ϵ_i, hopping energies t_i, and system-chain coupling c_0

An option is provided if the coefficient are saved to be reused.

We set the simulation parameters and choose a time evolution method. As always for simulations of dynamics, the time step must be chosen wisely. The error of the TDVP methods is $\mathcal{O}(dt^3)$. In this example we present the regular one-site method with the keyword :TDVP1 where all the virtual bonds of the MPS have the same bond dimension $D$. It is worh pointing out that DTDVP performs poorly in this specific example due to the exact solution of the system.

Logically the constant bond dimension of the MPS for TDVP1 is the convergence parameter.

# Simulation parameters

dt = 1.0 # time step

tfinal = 300.0 # simulation time

method = :TDVP1 # time-evolution method

D = 2 # MPS bond dimension

Using MPSDynamics.jl built-in methods we define the Pure Dephasing model MPO and the MPS representing the initial state. This initial state is a product state between the system and the chain. It is constructed using a list of the 'local state' of each site of the MPS, and the dimensions of the physical legs of the MPS are set to be the same as the ones of the MPO.

# MPO and initial state MPS

H = puredephasingmpo(ΔE, d, N, cpars)

# Initial electronic system in a superposition of 1 and 2
ψ = zeros(2)
ψ[1] = 1/sqrt(2)
ψ[2] = 1/sqrt(2)

A = productstatemps(physdims(H), state=[ψ, fill(unitcol(1,d), N)...]) # MPS representation of |ψ>|Vacuum>

We then chose the observables that will be stored in the data and the MPSDynamics.runsim arguments. This example relies on the storage of the reduced density matrix (called reduceddensity in runsim).

# Definition of observables

ob1 = OneSiteObservable("sz", sz, 1)

# Simulation

A, dat = runsim(dt, tfinal, A, H, prec=1E-4;
                name = "pure dephasing model with temperature",
                method = method,
                obs = [ob1],
                convobs = [ob1],
                params = @LogParams(ΔE, N, d, α, s),
                convparams = D,
                verbose = false,
                save = true,
                plot = true,

After having performed the dynamics, the analytical decoherence function is numerically calculated with the help of the quadgk function (from the QuadGK.jl package). It reads

# Analytical results at specified temperature 
# (see The Theory of Open Quantum System, H.-P. Breuer & F. Petruccione 2002, Chapter 4)

Johmic(ω,s) = (2*α*ω^s)/(ωc^(s-1))

time_analytical = LinRange(0.0,tfinal,Int(tfinal))

Γohmic(t) = - quadgk(x -> Johmic(x,s)*(1 - cos(x*t))*coth(β*x/2)/x^2, 0, ωc)[1]

Decoherence_ohmic(t) = 0.5*exp(Γohmic(t))

Eventually, the stored reduced density matrix is compared against the analytical formula

# Plots

ρ12 = abs.(dat["data/Reduced ρ"][1,2,:])

plot(time_analytical, t->Decoherence_ohmic(t), label="Analytics", title=L"Pure Dephasing, Ohmic $s=%$s$, $\beta = %$β ~\mathrm{K}$", linecolor=:black, xlabel="Time (arb. units)", ylabel=L"Coherence $|\rho_{12}(t)|$", linewidth=4, titlefontsize=16, legend=:best, legendfontsize=16, xguidefontsize=16, yguidefontsize=16, tickfontsize=10)

plot!(dat["data/times"], ρ12, lw=4, ls=:dash, label="Numerics")


  • breuer

    Breuer, H.;Petruccione, F. The Theory of Open Quantum Systems; Oxford University Press, 2002.